About Our Podcast

Business, Finance and Soul was created to spark a conversation and build community around three of the biggest pillars in our life. Tackling subjects surrounding the drive and strategy of business while pursuing personal finance mastery is as relevant today as it has been for 50 years. The big shift in the last decade has been the increasing conversation around meaning and purpose. 

Our goal is to stitch these seemingly separate topics into one podcast and to inspire thought beyond our recordings.

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Interview Strategy - Scenario, Solution, Outcome
June 25, 2024x
13:3111.4 MB

Interview Strategy - Scenario, Solution, Outcome

Mastering Interviews with SSO Method In this episode, I highlight the SSO (Scenario, Solution, Outcome) method as a powerful tool for showcasing your skills and experiences. Companies looking for the best talent and candidates seeking a new opportunity, should utilize SSO. Key Highlights: SSO and S...

Teaching Through Discipline
June 18, 2024x
17:1114.05 MB

Teaching Through Discipline

Embracing Discipline as a Path to Growth In this episode, I explore the concept of discipline, uncovering its true essence and purpose beyond the common misconception of it being synonymous with punishment. Here are the key highlights: Origins and Meaning: Explore the Latin roots of the word “disci...

Financial Personalities with Gary Arblaster
June 11, 2024x
55:5745.33 MB

Financial Personalities with Gary Arblaster

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Gary Arblaster to discuss the importance of financial self-awareness. Gary's perspective on personal finance is truly enlightening—he emphasizes that personal finance is exactly that: personal. According to Gary, everything begins with us. Our perceptions and...

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This is brought to you by these awesome people


Billy Graham


Charlie Brandt


Emma Jones


James Parker


What the people say about us

Apple Podcasts
Excellent communicator and love the topics

Shaun is an excellent communicator and provides very insightful views to a diverse range of topics in business, finance and life! I love the topics that he’s handled so far, especially the small imperfect steps and complacency episodes. The small imperfect steps episode hit at the right time as I was procrastinating ...

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Apple Podcasts
Excellent Topics & Engaging Conversation!!!

Shaun has a natural ability to communicate complex topics in an engaging and relatable way. He has a talent for breaking down financial concepts, and thought provoking subjects and topics that cover a wide range of interests. His podcast is accessible to a wide range of listeners. Such an essential skill when it comes ...

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